Thursday, September 6, 2007

No sheep skin for you!

Hmmm…where did the other sheeps go? There are more than just us. No matter, Erin took me and Sheepy on a trip. So I will tell you about it. Jesse wanted to stay home and watch tv and color all day. Jesse is lazy. We got to see all of the University of Georgia. It was fun and really really hot. Apparently the day that we went was a special day for some students. They were getting there sheep skins. They wore black bathrobes and looked silly. I didn't get it, I didn't see any sheep skins. Erin said we didn’t need anymore sheep skins so we went and walked around where they throw the pig skin. Which is good because I didn't want to give up my skin. I like it.

Maybe we should have paid attention to the Caution sign and went home then.

We got our pictures taken by the stadium. I got confused because it said it was the Stanford stadium but we didn’t go to Stanford to visit. Erin said that we don’t need to try and understand how Georgian's name things. After all we were in Athens.

I'm confused. Where are we again?

Bingo! I found the G!

Then we got lost and Erin touched a dirty dog statue and got slimed. So we tried to find a bathroom so she could wash her hands. This was important because she was caring us. But when we got inside this weird building all the bathrooms were ripped out and laying in the hallway. Erin found some paper towels by the pop machine and used them. Then we looked for the way out. The directions on the wall seemed questionable so Erin just used her senses to get out.

Wait, what is an elevator for? I don't get it. Good thing Erin was around.

Then we went downtown and meet a bulldog. He was all dressed as a Roman. I tried to tell him that Rome was a different city in Georgia but he was not very talkative. We got our picture taken with him. We tired to look mean like him but I don’t think it worked.

Grr...don't mess with us!

Then we went and got ice cream and went inside. We never made it to the botanical gardens like Erin wanted. But she did let us play in the big flower arrangement at her cousin’s house.

That's okay, you can call me Flower if you want. I don't mind.

Then we went home and made sure Jesse didn’t break anything while we were gone.


Karin - BluePip Designs said...

Eh, Georgia stole our G.

Unknown said...

Where are the sheep going next?

Erin said...
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Erin said...

I don't know. If I had it my way it would be a cabin hidden by a lake where very few people knew I was there. (probably just the handful that was with me.)

Justin said...

"The NFL club says it granted limited permission to use a similar mark to the University of Georgia (in 1964) and to Grambling."

Doesn't sound like stealing to me

Justin said...

No that's if I had my way. You get to join in, but not steal the idea. Now there is a good example of stealing

Erin said...

Well your one of the few that are invited. Gezz...your going to get picky on who's idea it was now? Like we ever distinguished before on our ideas.

Justin said...

Some of us are still stuck in academia where authorship matters. Unless its a NASA paper, than you just put et al. and pretend like you were important

Erin said...

O you had to go and bring up the NASA papers didn't you. That's a pretty low blow. You know how I feel about getting left off of the et. al. I wasn't even important enough to be remembered. :'(

Karin - BluePip Designs said...

To Erin:

your - possessive "That is your chair".
you're - contraction for you are "You're so cool, thanks for the help Karin!"

Taylor said...

That's a mighty big stick for a doughboy to be waving

Erin said...

Thanks Taylor. Your a good sheep. :)

Karin - BluePip Designs said...

the english is crying.

Justin said...

English was always a failed language. I'll vote for making Erinnese the new official language. Maybe not for America but at least here in our own little corner of the blogosphere

Erin said...

I vote for Erinnesse, too!!! Erinnesse for ever!