We got up early and had to drive all the way across Seattle. Good thing we have good sheep eyes, so we could spot the signs. The weeds were hiding from us. But we are smarter than them.
Once there, we had a long explanation about what was a weed and what wasn't; what we should pull and what we should leave; and what to avoid as not to get itchy. Wool is itchy enough for me so I made sure to have the proper protection. It was really nice of them to have gloves for everyone. Although, like always, D.J. wasn't paying attention and didn't get a pair. And, like always, D.J. paid for it later. There were lots of thorns and itchy stuff in there.
I started to pick the little cute weeds with Angela (nice girl that drove Erin, VJ, D.J., and me). Erin and D.J. went to untangle the trees and bushes from Morning Glory vines. I heard Erin be very specific about how to do it but again D.J. wasn't listening.
It took Erin 5 minutes to untangle D.J. And as for VJ who came with us, well I don't know where he went. He seems to have other things in common with D.J. besides his name. But no matter we all got lots of work done. Put it all in a big pile. Look at how much work we did.
After we were done, the nice ladies that explained what weeds to pull thanked us and offered us brochures and suckers to take home. I told them we all ready had one sucker and DJ was enough of a handful. But then I realized she was talking about candy. I love candy.
We all decided that we did such great work we deserved to go have a drink. We were really thirsty sheep and we did get a little sun. So Angela took us to this place called Jolly Rogers. The refreshments were great and the appetizers were yummy. I never had fried pickle before. I was a little unsure about them but Angela was right. They were good.
All in all it was a good day. We had a good time and we did a good thing. But we aren't letting Erin off the hook for never taking us into work.
Seems to me you two were suckered in. But good you had a good time, and of course you were helping a good cause.
I had a good time with you guys. It was a lot of fun. During lunch, when you guys were taking a nap, me Erin, Angela and Ryan slipped away for a while to hunt a water fountain because we were feeling thirsty. I asked Erin to take you guys too...but as usual she didn't listen to me and said that you guys already had water from the water bottles that were there. Anyways, there were no water fountains close by so we had to walk all the way along this beautiful lake where there were a lot of jumping fishes. We saw some old bigs boats with fishermen along with some new big boats. We also saw a big bridge that opens up and makes ways for the bigs boats to pass by.
Ask Erin to invite you guys to from next time.
Ask Erin to invite you guys too from next time.
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