Yeah!! We survived the holiday season, didn’t eat too many cookies, spared the pie and made it home without too many bruises. Those airports can be rough; we won’t even discuss the security screening. Get home, a little hungry after a long day of traveling and decide to go get some groceries. Hoof it on down to Wal-Mart (being a sheep therapist doesn’t pay well, at least the schooling is cheap) and wander our way collecting groceries. After grabbing eggs and dairy products we round the corner fly past the cleaning supply aisles and what do we see?
What no guesses, come on. We know you want to guess, trust us we won’t laugh.
Oh yeah, ok, maybe we’ll snicker a little, lets be realistic now.
Ok, so what did we see, we saw chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Now I don’t know about you, but if I gave my sweet heart stale chocolate I’d be sleeping in the dog house. Around here that’s not even a metaphorical threat…it’s quite real.
So I get to thinking, this aisle here was where the Christmas candy was, so what was there before Christmas. Oh my gosh. This aisle always has holiday candy. Starting December 26th (although we’ve heard of sittings as early as December 23rd) the aisle supports Valentine’s Day candy. After that it goes straight to Easter, with a small section for St. Paddy’s Day. As a side note if 2 month old chocolate isn’t bad enough, what do people do with 2 month old peeps. After Easter I bet its summer grilling and Independence Day. After that its college dorm room supplies. If you don’t think this is a holiday you’ve never raised teenagers. From there it’s Halloween and lastly Christmas.
It’s a good thing us sheep is poor. So many pretty trinkets to spend money on, but we skip the aisle and get to the important things, like the Alfalfa.