Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hanging out with Erin's mommy

Once we got out of Iowa City, Erin took us to her parents' home on the other side of the state. We hung out there for a few days. While Erin was out visiting her family and friends I got to hang out with Erin's mom. She's pretty cool. She let me sit in Erin's dad new comfy chair while we watched tv. I even got a blanket. Erin never gives me a blanket. Normally all Erin gives me when we watch tv is an elbow to the face. I got to convince Erin that I need a recliner like this.

aaaa...I'm so comfy.

Then we went out and Erin and her mom showed me the new windmills that they put up everywhere around the town. I wanted to play Don Quixote so I asked Erin's mom to play Sancho Panza and help me get closer. But every time a car came by, Erin's mom ran into the ditch and hid. I think she was scared of cars or something. But Erin told her to stop being such a baby and to hold still so Erin could get a picture of me with the windmills.

"Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants?
I intend to do battle with them and slay them."


Anonymous said...

oh i love it when animals play out classic literature - spoken like the generation that grew up on wishbone

Erin said...

I love Wishbone! I still watch it if it is on. Maybe Jesse watches it when I'm not at home.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It is still on - because I live in Michigan, I am able to watch Canadian PBS and they play wishbone marathon from like 2-4pm - amazing....if im not a work :(

Unknown said...

I want to watch wishbone! That show was awesome. Wonder if it's still shown on Iowa PBS...I looked it up, looks like Sunday mornings at 10am AND some Friday mornings at 2 am. Looks like Quinn and I will have to get up really early to watch :-/

Justin said...

Since when does Jesse know Spanish?

Erin said...

Did you read any Spanish? I think that was all typed in English. But he might have read Don Quixote in Spanish. I mean I do leave him alone all day. And I do have the suspicion that he is not as slow as he looks/acts.

Justin said...

Well yes I was hoping he had read Don Quixote in Spanish. I suppose it could have been English, but that's just wrong

Erin said...

I would like to point out that for how much Jesse gave me grief for not giving him blankets, that blanket he is using in the picture, I made.